Custom Earmolds
An earmold is a piece of plastic, acrylic or other soft material shaped to fit the ear canal, and/or the outer ear surrounding the ear canal. Earmolds come in many different sizes and colors.
Earmolds are made by inserting silicone material into the ear canal and outer ear (concha) for approximately 5 minutes. The hardened silicone is then removed from the ear and this “earmold impression” is then sent to a mold lab. Each mold captures a person’s unique ear shape and size. There are a few different uses for earmolds. These include:

Custom BTE / RITE Molds
These molds are paired with Behind-the-Ear hearing aids or Receiver-In-The-Ear hearing aids to provide a secure fit in the patient’s ear while offering the best retention of gain from the hearing aid thus resulting in less feedback from the hearing aid.

Swim Molds
These molds are used to protect the ear canal and/or eardrum from exposure to water. People who are prone to outer ear infections (otitis externa) or have perforated eardrum or myringotomy tubes should use swim molds when exposing the head to water.

Musician’s Molds
These molds are made for musicians who need to protect their hearing while still having the ability to hear their own music and the music of other’s around them. These molds can be ordered with a choice of 9, 15 or 25 dB attentuation filters. It offers protection from damaging sounds without distorting speech or music.

Sleep Molds
These molds are designed to reduce ambient noise to help ensure a better night sleep. Ambient noise such as snoring, loud music, traffic, car alarms or emergency sirens can interrupt a good quality night of sleep.

Custom Earphones
Molded to the exact shape of your ears, these custom earphones create a perfect fit that will never hurt or fall out. It also provides noise reduction from surrounding environment.

Noise Protection Earmolds
These are made for people to protect the ears from high-level noise exposure. Repeat exposure to sounds such as motorcycles, gunfire, truck engines, chain saws, jet engines, music concerts, lawn mowers or power tools puts one at risk to long-term, irreversible hearing loss.